
Doon Public School, Sivasagar is currently affiliated to CBSE, the school has Classes from Class Nursery to Class 10.

NURSERY & PREPARATORY – Nurturing the younger ones. Healthy environment, learning through creative activities, care, inculcation of moral values in the young minds, building interest to learn are essentials of Primary Education. The School is fully equipped in order to cater the needs of the students.

The work sheet based evaluation, celebration of different festivals, assembly, indoor programs, educational based tours, self – expression in the classroom, colourful books with exercises helps the students to maintain a balance of learning and playing.

Our teachers are fully trained in order to deal with the needs of the younger students.

Following the CBSE academic curriculum the session starts in the month of April and ends at March of the preceding year, a library with rich collection of books catering the needs of the students to enlighten different aspects of academic life.

The School has well developed class rooms with modern educational system, right starting from digital classrooms, wifi connected computer lab, defined science lab for physics, chemistry and biology subjects.

At Doon Public School we believe in holistic growth of the students and believe in all round development both in academics as well as extracurricular activities. The school has Physical Education Classes with experienced and qualified teacher, along with trained Yoga Teacher, Music and Art & Craft Teachers

In order to give a competitive exposure to students, students of the school were distributed among four different Houses, Inter House competition were organized at a frequent interval in various fields of academics as well as sports. The school also provides a platform to participate in the CBSE Regional / Zonal / National Competitions.

The variety of provisions within Doon Public School ensures that music, sports, dance, drama, extempore speech, debate, poem recitation, essay writing, drawing, quiz etc; plays an integral role in students’ life.